Growth Mindset — changing self narative

De Minimus
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2021


Photo by Hardini Lestari on Unsplash

A. Being Gentleman

Question your Priority based on 4 categories for simpler understanding

🔵 Conduct/behaviour, 🔵Attitude/approach, 🔵 Knowledge/skills, 🔵 Aspirations/goals

🔴 1st Layer visible traits: Conduct -> Master the art of presentation

  1. Respect for others timebeing panctual
  2. Art of conversation — show casing a package authenticity, no onemanship, empathy, lite humour, connect majority of audience, Do not offer unsolicited advice. being relateable is the key. Experiment with small funny stories
  3. Etiquettes in gatherings: Never get drunk or wasted when you go out, Speak well of others and avoid gossip.
  4. Compliment your date (do not embarrass your partner): Reinforce the idea through compliment, sets the tone, clears some of the unknown, it defines your interest and help her relax and enjoy herself. Let her know the things you find interesting about her, about her life the way she thinks if that’s the case. The world needs more good and the perfect way to do that is to verbalize it.
  5. Personnel Hygiene and Dressinggood health and proper attire.

🔴 2nd Layer mindset: Approach

  1. Positive outlook — open to opportunities, exploring, learning new things
  2. Applied midset — look for new application, innovations

🔴 3rd Layer content: Skills- >Be well read, educated and informed

  1. Current Affairs /News be the best source
  2. Holding a strong opinion with supporting arguments is the best
  3. Examples are must.

🔴 4th Layer life goals breaked into smaller targets/goals : Have your life figured out. Categories into Personal, Professional within various phases of life: student, career, retirement.


